Awake Arise unto light by Pastor Alex Kokobili
Moment of Grace - Ps. Alex Kokobili 9-10-2022
Awake Arise unto healing - Pastor Alex Kokobili
While you are Waiting - Deacon Philip Ofori 16-10-2022
There shall be showers of blessings - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The Fight of Faith - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 27-11-2022
Grace that propels the anointing - Pastor Alex Kokobili
I am Graced to Excel - Deacon Philip Ofori 2-10-2022
Oh Mountain - Deacon Kwame 18-9-22
Wisdom - Pastor Alex Kokobili
El-Shaddai -Deacon Kwame 11-9-22
companionship - Pastor Alex Kokobili
Rest on All Sides - Ps. Festus Nsoha 4-9-22
There shall be showers of blessings 2 - Pastor Alex Kokobili
Rest on All Sides Pt. 2 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 4-9-22
Open Heavens of Blessings - Pastor Alex Kokobili
Rest on All Sides Pt.1 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 3-9-22
The name Jesus - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The Consequences of Bitterness - Deacon Kwame 28-8-2022
More about Jesus - Pastor Alex Kokobili
Grace - Pastor Alex Kokobili
I will do a new thing - Pastor Alex Kokobili
Experiencing the Divine Life - Deacon Philip Ofori
I will do a new thing 2 - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Pursuing the One Thing - Deacon Philip Ofori 17-7-22
Christ in you, the hope of glory - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The fullness of life 1 - Pastor alexander Kokobili
His grace, His Love and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The fullness life 2 - Pastor Alexander Kokobili
The becoming Faith - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
Thanksgiving - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi (3-7-22)
Move Forward - Pastor Alex Kokobili
My Father My Father - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Why should I pray - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
The New Covenant - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The prayer that brings results - Minister Asare
Thanksgiving Sunday - Deacon Kwame B -Takyi
The source of fruitfulness - Sister Mary
How to buy without money - Deacon Kwame B- Takyi
Embrace Discomfort - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
Boldly Say - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Embrace Discomfort 2 - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
The New Commandment - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Father - Pastor Alexander Kokobili
Thanksgiving - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Why I should pray - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
Grace for greater exploit - Deacon Ofori
How about the table Psalm 23:5-6 - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The tomb is empty - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The seed in you determines your fruit -Ps. Alex Kokobili
Where you stand determines what you see -Minister Ofori
The right place at the right time - Deacon Kwame B -Takyi
Unchanging Reasons for Thanksgiving - Minister P. Ofori
The power of the spoken word - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
God our very present help - Minister Phillip Ofori
The power of the written word 1 - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
winning the battle of the mind - Minister Phillip Ofori
power of the spoken word 2 - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
What do see you - Pastor Augustine Otekhile
Love as the winning weapon - Pastor Alex
The Parable of talent - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Growing in the grace for dimension - Pastor Alex
True Greatness in the sight of God - Minister Phillip Ofori
Access to spiritual might - Pastor Alex kokoboli
When Jesus leads - Minister Phillip Ofori
Ho, such a one - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
The Power of diligence
Embrace Discomfrot - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
The power of altars - Deacon Kwame
Embrace Discomfort 2 - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
Divine Speed - Evangelist Phillip Ofori
God's success is good success - Bro Philip Ofori
From Labour to Rest - Evangelist Phillip Ofori
Daniel: a high flyer - Pastor Alexander Kokobili
Sermon Review Sunday - 20-11-2022
While men slept - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
Fruit of the Spirit - Deacon Kwame
Faith - Deacon Kwame B - Takyi
I know - Deacon Kwame
Daring Faith - Deacon kwame B - Takyi
Precept upon precept - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Faith and Holiness
Remember your first love - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Position yourself to excel - Bro. Philip Ofori
Service to God - Sister Lynnette
what about the table - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
Spiritual Discernment - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The power of rememberance - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The Church - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The Mystery of the power in the blood of Jesus - Pastor Alex Kokobili
The Exploit of love - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The Language of the heart - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi
The Glory moment - Pastor Alexander Kokobili
The Power of God's Word - Deacon Philip Ofori 30-10-22
The Enabling Power to Become - Ps. Alex Kokobili 13-11-22
The One God Uses - Deacon Philip Ofori 23-10-2022
Thanksgiving; A Principle of Multiplication - Deacon Philip Ofori 6-11-2022
Remember Your Creator - Deacon Kwame B-Takyi 4-12-2022
Better is the End of the Matter Deacon Kwame B-Takyi 11-12-2022
If You Do Well - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 18-12-22
The Reign of God's Goodness - Ps. Alex Kokobili 01-01-2023
The Kairos of God's Goodness - Ps. Alex Kokobili 31-12-2022
The Eyes of Faith - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 1-8-2023
Growing with the Time - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 15-1-2023
Do You Remember - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 22-1-2023
Jacob and Esau Pt. 1 - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 29-1-2023
Thanksgiving - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 5-2-2023
Herald of Good Tidings - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 12-2-223
Jacob and Esau Pt. 2 - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 26-2-2023
Hold your Praise - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 05-03-23
There is a Place - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 12-3-2023
Are You Ready - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 19-3-2023
A More Excellent Spirit - Ps. Alex Kokobili 26-3-2023
When you don't know what to do - Deacon Philip Ofori 02-04-2023
It Is Finished - Deacon Philip Ofori 9-4-2023
Keys to Unlock God's Blessings - Deacon Philip Ofori 16-4-2023
God; Our Guide - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 30-4-2023
The Goodness of God - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 7-05-2023
The Mega Church - Ps. Alex Kokobili 13-5-2023
The Holy Spirit - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 13-5-2023
16 Points for a Christian to Excel in the Market Place - Ps. Alex Kokobili 13-5-2023
The Efficacy of the Word of God - Ps. Alex Kokobili 14-5-2023
The Power of a Woman - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 21-5-2023
The Blessedness of God - Ps. Alex Kokobili 4-6-2023
The Holy Spirit - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 11-6-2023
The Kingdom Minded Man - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 18-6-2023
The Believer's Journey - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 25-06-2023
Consistency: A Key to Spiritual Capacity- Deacon Philip Ofori 2-7-2023
The Way of the Lord - Deacon Philip Ofori 09-7-2023
Capacity in the kingdom
Facta non Verba (Action, not words) - Deacon Philip Ofori 30-7-2023
Seasons Come and seasons go - Deacon Philip Ofori 6-8-2023
I need a Man - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 13-8-2023
This Grace Called Prosperity Pt. 1 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 19-8-2023
This Grace Called Prosperity Pt. 2 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 20-8-2023
Lydia: Doing Wonders with Purple - Sis. Yemi Olokodana 27-8-2023
Prepare for Something New - Deacon Philip Ofori 3-9-2023
Empowered to Soar - Dr. Ps. Daniel Akhazemea 10-9-2023
Anniversary week Retreat - Mrs Akhazemea 9-9-2023
Anniversary week Retreat - Dr. Ps. Daniel Akhazemea 9-9-2023
The Godly Life - Deacon Philip Ofori 17-9-2023
Thy People will be Willing - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 01-10-2023
The faithfulness of God - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 24-09-2023
The Mystery of Speaking in the Spirit - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 08-10-2023
The Beauty in Love and Relationship - Ps. Alex Kokobili 14-10-2023
The Beauty in Love and Relationship Pt. 1 - Ps. Yinka Oyo 14-10-2023
The Beauty in Love and Relationship Pt. 2 - Ps. Yinka Oyo 15-10-2023
Be a Disciple Maker - Ps. John Whaley 22-10-2023
Sermon - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 29-10-2023
Sacrifice - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 05-11-2023
Who Was That - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 12-11-2023
Grow Like Jesus - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 19-11-2023
The Ministry of Samson - Deacon Kwame Baffoe - Takyi 26-11-2023
The redemption through the Blood of Jesus Pt. 1 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 01-12-2023
The redemption through the Blood of Jesus Pt. 2 - Ps. Alex Kokobili 03-12-2023
Why I must tell somebody about my Jesus - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 10-12-2023
The Mind Management - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 17-12-2023
Sermon - Ps. Alex Kokobili 31-12-2023
New Year Message - Ps. Alex Kokobili 01-01-2024
Supernatual Increase - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 07-01-2024
Looking for the Ancient path Pt. 1 - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 14-01-2024
Looking for the Ancient path Pt. 2 - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 21-01-2024
Walk before Me and Be Blameless - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 28-01-2024
Confidence - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 04-02-2024
Night Cometh - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 11-02-2024
Marriage Conference - Ps. Alex Kokobili - 18-02-2024
The Journey of Marriage - 25-02-2024 - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Thanksgiving - 03-03-2024 - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Divine Favour- 17-03-2024 - Deacon Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Glorious Victory - 24-03-2024 - Ps. Alex Kokobili
Why I must work for God - Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 07-04-2024
Praise 05-05-2024
Sermon 12-5-2024
Review Sunday 19-5-2024
Double Portion - 02-06-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Double Portion: Before and After - 09-06-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
God Our Father- 16-06-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Sermon - 7-7-2024 - Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
The Harvest - 14-07-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
The Worker in the Harvest - 21-07-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
The Glory of the Church in the Last Days - 28-07-2024 - Ps. Alex Kokobili
Honour - 4-08-2024 - Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi
Offences, Schisms and Lies Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah - 11-08-2024
Shamed, Not Ashamed Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah - 18-08-2024
The Power of God unto Salvation Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 25-09-2024
The Lord has Need of You Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 01-09-2024
The Seed is the Word of God Ps. Femi Popoola 8-9-2024
Walk with me and be Blameless Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 15-09-2024
Those That Walk with Jesus Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 22-09-2024
The Mystery of Charcoal Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 29-09-2024
The Mother of Jesus Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 13.10.2024
Endure Hardship Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 27-10-2024
Thanksgiving and Praises Pt. 1 Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 03-11-2024
Sermon Ps. Alex Kokobili 10-11-2024
Operating as Commanded Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 17-11-2024
Difference Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 24-11-2024
Thanksgiving and Praises Pt. 2 Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 01-12-2024
Account Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 08-12-2024
Sermon Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 15-12-2024
Sermon Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 22-12-2024
Faith of an Overcomer Ps. Alex Kokobili 29-12-2024
The Release of Signs and Wonders Ps. Alex Kokobili 1-1-2025
Sermon Deacon Maxwell Owusu-Nuamah 12-1-2025
In the Thick of Life Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 19-1-2025
Grow Your Seed Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 26-1-2025
In the year King Uzziah died Ps. Kwame Baffoe-Takyi 2-2-2025